A few writing folks put together this fun 'competition' in the fall to challenge creativity. We choose from a collection of photos and create 200 words of verse, prose, or whatever. You can learn more about it here and see this year's entries.
What do you think of my moody verse?
there is a gloaming come to town
clothed in a velvet cape
marching like death
marching like sin
to your door
to your home
to consume you whole
there is a weakness on the street
cloaked in weary darkness
hiding in a case
hiding in a box
come to perch
come to stay
come to steal the night
there is a darkness at the gate
adorned in jeweled souls
standing in a line
standing hand in hand
at the tree
at the pathÂ
at your grave
there is a soul at your doorstep
draped in delicious fear
beating like a drum
beating like the rain
in your chest
in your throat
in your mouth
the gloaming invites you home
the weakness prepares its stay
the darkness invades your soul
your surrendered demise is their very prize
they come to dance at your grave
come to eat at your grave
come to drink at your grave
they live on
Delightfully chilling!